We present to your attention a full-fledged refueling complex on wheels - Deli by Shell Mobitruck.
The Deli by Shell concept was developed for the goods offered in the cafes of the Shell gas station network: coffee, hot snacks and pastries. The first cafes appeared in 2009 at Shell gas stations in the UK. A few years later, the cafes were opened at Shell filling stations all over Europe, including Russia.
The car fully replaces the stationary building of the filling station. The economic effect of the application is obvious, so that the flow of customers, which has been accumulated over the years through various marketing tools did not go to competitors during the reconstruction of the gas station, all the functionality of the gas station is transferred to the food truck, which accepts payment for fuel, prepare coffee, food, and there is an opportunity to buy goods for the road for your car.
Mobitruck is equipped with all the necessary equipment for full management and control of the gas station.
Since the mobitruck has an attractive design, and in it you can organize various tasty cuisine - it can be just a good addition to the filling station without a store and coffee, which will increase traffic and revenue.
For Shell, 2 mobitrucks were manufactured for filling stations, which are constantly moving all over Russia and solving business tasks:
- High-tech system of connection to gasoline supply is implemented.
- Separate office of the gas station manager
- Control station area for all tanks and dispensers
- All international production standards (storage, fire safety, safety engineering, sanitary rules and regulations) are observed.